Recon 6 : An Incredibly Romantic Fantasy Pseduo Horror Kind of About Zombies

Short Film Theatre Recon 6

This is an odd little film I stumbled across It’s a fifteen minute 2011 short film directed by Blake Fraser for his final major project to graduate from college. And it’s a horror fantasy romantic pseudo comedy that is kind of about zombies. It’s called Recon 6.

The film is about a world where a new synthetic blood was used to save lives. But people who received the blood had a terrible side effect. Their flesh rots and they attack people. So a pill called Recon 6 was made to counter the side effects so people can live normal lives. The film focuses on a woman who wants to break free of her medication. Without it she feels free and more alive. And as she goes out on the town she meets a man who she thinks is like her because he wants to die. She convinces him there’s more to live for and the two end up going on a date. She’s sure she found someone she can relate to until she finds he’s manic depressive, not a zombie person. Then things go wrong as she realizes later she lost her medication and begins to rot.

The good? The film does something different with zombies. I mean zombies are such a worn out genre. I’m glad someone found something to make it seems fresh again. Acting, cinematography, and the story is great. The characters seem real. And at the end it’s a sweet little genre blender that had a little bit of everything.

The bad? It’s not that horrifying of a horror. This is about how people would out in the given circumstances and the film is very character driven.

Overall, this is surprisingly well made little film. I certainly hope Blake gets an “A.” The film is enjoyable and can appeal to a very broad audience. I recommend this to everyone.

Overall Rating : An Incredibly Romantic Fantasy Pseudo Horror Kind of About Zombies

4 Flicks out of four

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The Portal : A Witty Charming Fantasy Comedy About A Wizard Out of His Realm

The Portal

Wow. It’s been a long time since I had time to sit down and watch some short films. But I finally have night off end actually had a chance to see what’s going. I searched youtube and found a fantasy comedy called The Portal starring Tahmoh Penikett. It’s a 2014 film directed and written by Jonathan Williams.

The film follows a wizard who comes through a portal to this world. Why isn’t exactly clear. Maybe he took a wrong turn at Albuquerque or something. But when the portal closes, he can’t open it again. He must return but something is stopping his magic. Being a wizard from another world he’s unaccustomed to the ways of this world and pleasant nature of New Yorkers. He eventually finds a travel agency that he believes can get him back to his world. There he meets a ‘bored with her life,’ travel agent, sure she will be able to send him home.

The good? It’s a classic fish out of what fantasy in the vein of Just Visiting or Warlock, but still seemed fresh and new. The film is funny and charming. Tahmoh Penikett is actually funny here which is surprising since I only have seen him in serious roles. It’s well written and wonderfully produced.
The bad? Not much. This is a darn good little film.

Overall, the film is a fun little piece. If you like fantasy or comedy, you may want to check it out. It’s a whimsical little fantasy comedy that is most watch for most.

4 flicks out of four.

Overall Rating : A Witty Charming Fantasy Comedy About A Wizard Out of His Realm

P.S. If you like books then check out my book and ebook website Lelue’s Realm. Google it or go directly to

Quick note. If you follow this blog and are enjoying these reviews, please take a look at it on Bubblews. There I get a few cents for a view. You don’t have to do it, but it would be wonderful and super nice if you would. Here’s the link

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Childrens Theatre with Alfred Molina: A Wonderful Short Featuring Critics at Their Snobbish Best

Children’s Theatre with Alfred Molina

With this film, I argued with myself on whether I should review it as a short film or not. This is because it’s a sketch from Funny or Die. I’m not sure if a sketch qualifies as film, but I guess it could. So anyways I’ll do on with it. Today’s the film is Children’s Theatre Critic with Alfred Molina

So the film is a false documentary featuring Alfred Molina as a snobby pompous arrogant critic who reviews children plays at elementary schools. He’s harsh, mean, terrible, and in some dark twisted little way hilarious as he does his work.

So the good? I’m just going to say Alfred Molina does an amazing job and knocks the ball out of the park. He’s funny and great, especially when he tears down a child with “Not for one moment in the play did I believe you were a tree!” The corruption and writing for this piece was witty and brilliant.

The bad? Nothing bad really. This is great little short.

Overall, if you like to laugh, check this out. It’s a just so wry and funny at the same time I recommend this to everyone.

4 Flicks out of four

Overall Rating: A Wonderful Short Featuring Critics at Their Snobbish Best

And sadly it looks like you must watch it from the Funny or Die youtube channel. Hence, the reasoning as to why you can’t watch it on this blog, which is very annoying. Someone would think they would want the publicity. Anyways, here’s the link

P.S. If you like books then check out my book and ebook website Lelue’s Realm. Google it or go directly to

The Paperman: A Return for Classic Disney

The Paperman

The Paperman is a Disney throwback that I had to watch. It’s the 2012 short Disney film that won an Oscar, a couple years ago. And having grown up with so much Disney animation in my childhood I had to check it out.

So what is the Paperman? It’s a five minute short featuring and somewhat goofy office worker who falls for a lady while waiting at the train stop one day. She leaves quickly and he’s forced to continue with his mundane life until he finds that she works in an office across the street from his office. Trying his best not to get in trouble with his boss he tries to get her attention with paper airplanes.

The good? The animation. The beautiful 2d animation that many of us grew up with in Aladdin, The Lion King, and The Little Mermaid returns here. And it’s just so much more charming than CGI. I was sure The Princess and The Frog would be the last time I would see this animation, but I’m glad was wrong. The film is cute, sweet and charming. And though there are no words, the music just fits everything so well.

The bad? Nothing. I might be little biased because I grew up with a love for Disney animation. But I can find a flaw.

Overall, it’s a huge throw back to the Disney second golden age. And it so sweet and charming. If you love animation, you must check this out.

4 Clicks out of four

Overall Rating: A Return for Classic Disney.

Here’s the film below.

P.S. If you like books then check out my book and ebook website Lelue’s Realm. Google it or go directly to

The Mundane Goddess : An Quirky Romp about Modern Day Greek Gods

The Mundane Goddess

Today is an unusual film. It actually popped up in the form of an ad before a music video And I ended up watching the whole short film. It’s a 2014 Jameson First Shot contest winner from South Africa. It’s a ten minute film featuring Uma Thurman called the Mundane Goddess.

So what is it about? It is an odd little film showing a world where the forgotten Greek gods now live in middle class America. It features Uma Thurman as the middle aged washed up housewife Hera, who has lost her purpose in life and is tired of her controlling husband Zeus. She is telling this to a psychologist who refuses to believe that she is a god.

The good? Even though the film is low budget, and it works. The quirky style of the film works. And the acting is well done.

The bad? Though it seems like it is originally intended to be a comedy, it’s not very funny. It’s just quirky. The arc is nice, but it’s not all that exciting.

Overall, though it is written well and filmed brilliantly, it’s a little boring. The quirkiness is the only thing that keep you watching until the end. The film is just mediocre.

2 stars out of four.

Overall Rating: An Quirky Romp about Modern Day Greek Gods.

Here’s the film down below if you want to check it out.

P.S. If you like books then check out my book and ebook website Lelue’s Realm. Google it or go directly to

Dead Island 2 Debut : The Quirky Zombie Apocalypse

Dead Island 2 short film review

Well okay people Dead Island did it again. The debut trailer for their first game was a dramatic beautiful film that had nothing to do with the game, yet went on to win short film awards. Now for Dead Island 2, they used the same method. So once again they made another beautiful CGI film to promote their game. And chances are this will have nothing to do with the game in the same fashion.

So what is it about? Well it starts with this super attractive fit guy turning up the volume on his MP3 and going on leisure jog in a richy Beverly Hills like neighborhood. But then the film become incredibly quirky as the entire film is a constant tracking shot on him as the zombie apocalypse explodes around him.

The good? This is such a fun little film. It made me laugh because it is a so quirky and zany having a very odd sense of humor. The animation is beautiful. The music fits it perfectly. And the two cameos at the end are the last two guys you would think to lend their voices to this little piece.

The bad? Not much is bad here. Its is just a really fun and I have no real complaints on this one.

Overall this is just fun. I don’t know what it exactly but it just seems to hit all the right notes here. I mean they a made quirky apocalypse work here and there‘s something impressive about that. I think most people would enjoy this little film

4 Flicks out of Four

Overall Rating :The Quirky Zombie Apocalypse

Here’s the film down below if you want to see it.

P.S. If you like books then check out my book and ebook website Lelue’s Realm. Google it or go directly to